Finally Un-Wrapped!

Kekeke... Finally un-wrapped my Christmas & B'day pressies this afternoon, together with my niece, since she would be the one that 'inherit' most of my Chrismas chocolates & goodies =p

Family photo of the wrapped pressie - minus a few that is still on the way... The unwrapped version ^.^ The Christmas goodies... Which will soon all goes to my niece later, she is now waiting beside me edy... Hehe!
The "self-decorative" stuff I got... Kekeke... Never too wrong to give me all these 'miang' stuff...
But... I got 2 issues... =.="
No 1. Esther ~ I don't know how to use the thing u gave me la...
No 2. KiKi ~ Sorry, the purple furry stuff u gave, went missing, after I took this picture & put it on my bed, just missing... Don't ask too much details, it is too creepy to tell, might freak you out... The big shopping tote bag in my Christmas wishlist and the other big & small bags / pouches
Those pressie that I can use on my face or body =) Some cute stuff I got ^.^
Must mention the "Oscar in the container"! Haha! So cute!
But... I forgot who gave that to me, cos no name written on it... =.=!
I think should be among those few fella la, cos not many people know I used this nick name... Some practical stuff that i really appreciate!! The pillow in my wishlist, the "surprise t-shirt", the towel & sliper =)
Haha! Some DVD collections!
The "Triump in the Skies" Special Christmas Customized Edition really makes me laugh! Thank you sooo much!!!
Not to forget the 070707 DVD Collection - the Bridemaid's copy... Haha!
The books & stationary I got.
Sorry in advance to Marcus for the book, don't ask me for book review until I finish last year, last last year, & last last last... year books for Christmas @.@
And last be definitely not the least, the customized photo album, I really love it sooo much!! Thank you thank you thank you!!! =)
OK, that's all for now, maybe those belated pressie, next post la!

3 brainwave:

Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é http://www.provedorcrescenet.com . Um abraço.

davidlian said...

Wahlau - Portuguese fan. I was board so I babelfished the text. This is what it says:

I very liked this post and its blog is very interesting, goes to pass for here always =) Later gives passing back in my site, that is on the CresceNet, waits that it likes. The address of it is http://www.provedorcrescenet.com. One I hug.

Myself n I said...

Oooo.... now I know.... Haha! Thanks david for the babelfish favor ^.^