The Real Adversary

This is a blog post by a good friend M, did a copy & paste job here, because what he said was indeed very true...

A few days ago I was talking to a very close brother asking him, “Why is a man unhappy?” We came to a conclusion that men are unhappy because of 2 things… When he can’t get something he wants and when he loses something that is close to his heart.

Today wasn’t a particularly happy day for me because many things haven’t gone my way. This particular event brought my thought to a very important lesson in my life. Throughout the years of my life, I have learnt from experience that the real foe isn’t these unhappy times… The real adversary is those happy times, where I can have everything I want. These are times when I become too complacent and let the enemy in to slowly destroy my outer defences. These are the times when I let my guard down and slowly be sucked by the enemy’s lie and deceit.

So, while today and I believe many days ahead would be a hard one for me, I believe that “in all things He works for the good of those who love him, who has been called according to his purpose.” It’s no longer a theological or theoretical lesson for my life has proven it again & again that hard times, unhappy times… these are the times that mould me, that change me and make me become a better person.

I am so agree!

0 brainwave: